Most people who have lost a set of teeth are quite suitable for dentures. It is a common belief that it is dedicated to older adults, but even young people are ideal candidates. Some circumstances will make us not recommend dentures for you, and these may include:
Have Lost One Tooth
If you have lost just one tooth, there might be better choices than a denture for you. The primary purpose of dentures is to replace a set of teeth and not just one. When you have only one missing tooth, we can recommend the installation of an implant and then later installation of a crown.
A Couple of Teeth Situated on One Side
When you have some missing teeth on just one side, using a partial denture might not be the best choice. Partial dentures are those fake teeth that go from one side to the other in your mouth. They depend on your other real teeth to stay in place. But if you are missing only a few teeth on one side, it might not feel good, and getting used to it can be tough. Especially if your other teeth are close together, using a partial denture can also make it hard to bite down comfortably. In situations like this, it is better to consider getting dental implants or a bridge instead of dentures. They can be more comfortable and work better for missing teeth on just one side.
You are Sensitive to Gagging
Dentures will sit on your gums. Most people do not have big problems with dentures. Sometimes, there might be a short time when you need to get used to them, but usually, it is not a big deal. If someone feels like they might gag with dentures, it is often more in their mind or an instant reaction. For the rare few who cannot get over that feeling, dentures might not be the best option for them. Ensure you discuss your options with us and find out if you are a good candidate for dentures.
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