Most patients are usually curious about LANAP technology and how it works to treat gum disease. The answer to this important question lies in the name, LANAP which stands for Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure. The “New Attachment” is used to refer to the way the laser treatment helps in the attachment of healthy gum tissue with the bone in your mouth and jaw.
This is vital in the treatment of gum disease since the progression of gum disease is usually associated with the infection of the gums, loosening of the teeth, and damage of normal attachments. Reversing gum-related problems usually takes a while since natural healing generally relies upon most of the time.
LANAP can assist in treating gum disease since the laser stimulates healthy tissue to create new attachments, improving the general healing of the gums faster. Although not all dental practitioners providing gum disease treatments are certified in LANAP, it is advisable to inquire from the dental expert if this is a service they offer.
LANAP for Gum Surgery
Osseous surgery is the traditional way of treating gum disease. The periodontist or dentist uses a scalpel to cut away the diseased gum tissue and reach any infected pockets in the gum or bone. The dentist will use sutures to reshape the gums around the tooth without the bags. Although this is an effective procedure, it requires a lot of downtime during recovery.
On the other hand, LANAP eliminates the gum tissue that is affected using a high light frequency. Aside from destroying affected tissue, the laser also eradicates any bacteria found in the mouth, enhancing regeneration and healing. Unlike osseous surgery, the removal of diseased tissue and growth of healthy tissue is done using a lesser invasive way, which boosts recovery after treatment.
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