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Home What Is A Dental Crown?
Chad M. Boustany D.D.S., M.S.

What is a Dental Crown?
Charleston, WV

Crown graphicA dental crown is a sort of a cap that is already shaped like your tooth and is placed over your already existing but damaged tooth. Once in place, it brings back the shape, strength, size and enhances its appearance. The dental crown, when it is entirely cemented into place, completely encases the full visible section of the tooth that lies at and above the gum line.

At Revive Dental and Implant Center, we care about all our patients and our future patients and always want you to have all the information possible about dental information and procedures. We have a lot of people asking about dental crowns, so here is just a quick little workup of what crowns are and what types of crowns you can get.

Why Is a Dental Crown Needed?

There are several circumstances in which crowns could be or would be needed or wanted. A crown is often used to repair a completely broken tooth, a tooth that has been worn down severely, a broken tooth, or a decayed tooth. A crown will only be used if there is a sufficient amount of the natural tooth left.

What Types of Crowns Are Available?

There are several types of crowns available made of varying permanent materials. For Instance, there are stainless steel, porcelain, all-resin, and all-ceramic.

Stainless Steel Crowns are prefabricated crowns that are used as temporary crowns until the permanent crown is made.

Crowns can be made of several materials, including metal alloys, gold or platinum with base metal alloys of cobalt, chromium, or nickel-chromium. These metal crowns are extremely strong and typically are used for molars since biting or chewing won’t wear them down as easily as it would other materials.

One of the most popular dental crowns is porcelain fused to metal. The porcelain can be color-matched to your other teeth and they last longer due to the metal backing. These crowns look most like your natural teeth. Porcelain fused are good choices for both back and front teeth or for long bridges where one might need metal for strength.

There are also all-resin and all-ceramic crowns. The all-resin crown is less expensive and can wear down over time. They are also more prone to fractures and breaks than the other crown types. The all-ceramic crowns tend to provide better natural color matching than the other crown types and are better suited for those with allergies. They can also be used for both back teeth and front teeth alike. Gold crowns typically are used only for back teeth for aesthetic reasons.

Dental crowns can be and are a great solution and choice for many people. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your dental care or would like to know more about dental crowns and the procedure for that, please just call the office here at Revive Dental and Implant Center. We can make an appointment to talk with one of our dental professionals, give you an exam, and discuss your treatment options. Contact (304) 467-4265 today!

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Mon-Thurs: 8am to 5pm
Friday: Closed


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What is a Dental Crown • Dental Implants Charleston, WV
At Revive Dental and Implant Center, we provide a quick little workup of what dental crowns are and what types you can get. Learn more, by clicking here!
Revive Dental and Implant Center, 4803 MacCorkle Avenue SE, Charleston, WV 25304 ~ (304) 467-4265 ~ ~ 1/24/2025 ~ Related Terms: dental implants Charleston WV ~