What Scaling and Root Planing Does that Actually Improves the Health of Your Mouth Dental Implants Charleston, WV
To understand how scaling and root planing (SRP) improves the mouth's health, you need to review the process first. People with advanced gum disease have an SRP performed, so they can improve the health and their teeth and gums, and treat advanced periodontal disease. Taking this measure drastically improves the health of the mouth, as harmful bacteria is removed as well as disease causing tartar and plaque.
How an SRP Improves the Health of Your Mouth
Gum disease results when you don't brush and floss daily, leaving food particles behind in the mouth. According to WebMD, this lack of dental care promotes bacterial growth between teeth, around the gums, and on the tongue. However, an SRP makes the mouth healthier, as it gets rid of these bacteria as well as the symptoms of gums disease, provided you regularly brush and floss after the deep cleaning. In turn, you will be rewarded with a healthier mouth and smile.
The Symptoms of Gum Disease that are Eliminated by an SRP
Once you get an SRP, the symptoms of gum disease will no longer be as pronounced and eventually will eliminated by regular brushing and flossing. These symptoms include recurring halitosis, swollen and red gums, gum tenderness and soreness, painful chewing, loosened teeth, sensitive teeth, and receding gum tissues. During an SRP, gum pockets are measured and digital x-rays may be taken to check for bone loss.
We want you to reverse the symptoms of gum disease. An SRP will help us help you to do this. Why not give us a call today for a periodontal screening or SRP. Getting rid of the symptoms of gum disease will also make your mouth healthier and cleaner. We will review with you what to expect during an SRP as well as how to take care of your teeth after an SRP. This procedure will cause some gum and tooth sensitivity, so you will need to avoid eating foods too hot or too cold after SRP treatment. Brush the teeth thoroughly yet gently to keep the gums and teeth intact.
Call Us Today
If you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact us today at (304) 467-4265, to learn more!
Dental Implants Charleston, WV | Revive Dental & Implant Center At Revive Dental and Implant Center in Charleston, WV, we prioritize patient care with a skilled team and advanced technology to ensure your dental needs are met. Revive Dental and Implant Center, 4803 MacCorkle Avenue SE, Charleston, WV 25304 ~ (304) 467-4265 ~ revivedentalimplantcenters.com ~ 1/8/2025 ~ Related Phrases: dental implants Charleston WV ~